=================================================================== EASY INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FONTSAMPLER v1.0 =================================================================== Follow these easy, step-by-step instructions to install the FontSampler program. (If you are using Windows and are not at a DOS prompt, double-click on the "DOS Prompt" icon. If you don't have a "DOS Prompt" icon, exit Windows to complete the following steps.) 1. Create a new subdirectory on your hard disk called FONTSAMP. From a DOS prompt, type CD\ then press the [ENTER] key. Next, type MD FONTSAMP and press the [ENTER] key. 2. Return to the subdirectory where the FONSAM.ZIP file is located by typing CD\[subdirectory.nam] where [subdirectory.nam] is the name of the subdirectory holding the FONSAM.ZIP file, and press [ENTER]. Then type COPY FONSAM.ZIP C:\FONTSAMP and press [ENTER]. Now type CD\FONTSAMP and press [ENTER]. 3. Using the PKUNZIP program, unzip the file. (For example purposes, we will assume your copy of PKUNZIP is in a subdirectory called C:\PKZIP.) Now type C:\PKZIP\PKUNZIP FONSAM.ZIP This will extract the files from the ZIPped file. 4. If you used the "DOS Prompt" icon from Windows, type EXIT now, then press the [ENTER] key. Or, if you exited from Windows, reload windows by typing WIN and press the [ENTER] key. 5. In the Program Manager, click once on the title bar of the group in which you wish to install FontSampler. Click on the Program Manager "File" menu, then select "New." Then click on "Program Item" and click on "OK." Now click on "Browse", then double-click on the "C:\" folder. Use thescroll bars to scroll down to the FONTSAMP subdirectory. Double-click on it, then double-click on FONTSAMP.EXE. Then click on "OK". A FontSampler icon will appear in the program group. To load and use FontSampler, double click on its icon.